Category Archives: Raised Garden Beds

What the ‘Cluck’!? From Coop to Crop… How Chickens and Gardens Flourish Together

How to Create a Backyard Chicken Garden with One Sweet Earth Raising backyard chickens isn’t just about fresh eggs—it’s a lifestyle that fosters sustainability, self-sufficiency, and a deeper connection with nature. If you’ve ever considered adding chickens to your backyard homestead, why not take it one step further? Designing a chicken-friendly garden can create a […]

Do HDPE Garden boxes really make a difference?

In the gardening world, the choice of materials for your garden boxes can significantly impact not just the aesthetics but also the longevity and sustainability of your garden. Among the many options available, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) garden boxes are a superior choice for numerous reasons. Let’s explore why HDPE garden boxes should be your top […]